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gEDA-user: Expert help needed - gschem/ngspice etc...

Hi all.

What's the correct way to define things (mainly the symbol) when,
defining a dual or quad opamp? Here are the problems I bounced against:

1) The quad or dual evidently has common power lines.

2) The model defines the pins in order +, -, V+, V-, and output (which
seems quite common)

3) How do I define the slotdefs? The pins for v+ and v- are drawn on the
circuit, not just defined as attributes. Can I repeat the pin numbers

4) If I do the above, I get gnetlist -g drc2 complaining that the second
op-amp isn't in the circuit.

5) If, after giving up, I put it in the circuit, and connect its pins, so
it won't complain again, I get 

"Invalid wanted_pin passed to get-nets [unknown]" (5 times)

6) If I try to define a slot=1 for this component, gschem crashes.

7) And, to top things off, I can't seem to get this running with ngspice
- I get a report of 'singular matrix'es and non-convergence.

Would someone please have a look at the sym and circuit? As everything
is small, I've attached all files (including the model).


Attachment: evm_input.sch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: mc33078-1.sym
Description: Binary data

Attachment: MC33078.mod
Description: Binary data

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