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Re: gEDA-user: nets in symbols

> Ah, no, that's not it quite yet...
> I called my slotted parts U3501io and the power part U3501pwr.
> That means I have 4 U3501io symbols in my schematic and 1 U3501pwr.
> On the pcb layout, I get 2 footprints - one for U3501pwr and one for
> U3501io...
> I tried a step further, and called the io symbols:
> U3501ioone
> U3501iotwo
> U3501iothree
> U3501iofour
> And then I get 5 footprints on the diagram...

Only put one footprint per refses, don't need one per symbol.
Try putting all the one-time information in the pwr symbol, that way it will always be there, and if you don't need one or more of the io's all the footprint/copyright/documentation/foo attributes are still available.  The only attributes needed for io's is 'slot'.

Perhaps I should add a wiki article at www.geda.seul/wiki


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