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Re: gEDA-user: a pcb level panelizer tool

> Both of you use makefiles.  I need to study Levente's published stuff on 
> them so I can understand DJ's back annotate script excerpt:
>  > dups/channel%.sch : channel.sch
>  > 	page-renumber -n '.*' -s 10 -e 19 -b $*0 channel.sch - \
>  > 	| page-renumber -re 'netname=.*1' -s 1 -e 2 -b $* - $@

It's not a back-annotate.  When I have N copies of a module, I only
design the first, and make N-1 copies of it with different refdes
numbers.  All page-renumber does is make a copy of a schematic page
but with different refdes numbers.

The RenumberBlock() plugin does the same for a layout - I lay out the
first module, then copy it N-1 times with different numbers.  As long
as the PCB renumber and the SCH renumber match, everything works.

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