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[gftp] unable to move to / by clicking on ".."


when I try to move one direcotry up to the root directory (for example
from /usr to /) by double-clicking the ".." direcotry entry I'm getting:

Could not change local directory to : No such file or directory.

the complete log:

Successfully changed local directory to /usr/home
Successfully changed local directory to /usr
Could not change local directory to : No such file or directory

Howt to repeat:
	move into a directory under / and try to hit the 1st entry in the
	directory list (..)

I'm using the latest gftp-test.tar.bz2

Silly thing, when i try the same at the remote side of gftp (moving from
/usr to /) I'm sent to my home directory

Opening SSH connection to nudel
Running program ssh -e none -l olivleh1 -p 22 nudel "echo -n xsftp ;
olivleh1@nudel.salatschuessel.net's password: 
3: Protocol Initialization
3: Protocol version 3
Successfully logged into SSH server nudel
1: Realpath .
1: Filenames (1 entries)
Retrieving directory listing...
2: Open Directory /usr/home/olivleh1
2: File handle
3: Read Directory
3: Filenames (24 entries)
4: Read Directory
4: EOF
5: Close
5: OK
6: Realpath /usr/home
6: Filenames (1 entries)
Retrieving directory listing...
7: Open Directory /usr/home
7: File handle
8: Read Directory
8: Filenames (3 entries)
9: Read Directory
9: EOF
10: Close
10: OK
11: Realpath /usr
11: Filenames (1 entries)
Retrieving directory listing...
12: Open Directory /usr
12: File handle
13: Read Directory
13: Filenames (20 entries)
14: Read Directory
14: EOF
15: Close
15: OK
16: Realpath .
16: Filenames (1 entries)
Loading directory listing /usr/home/olivleh1 from cache
3: Filenames (24 entries)
4: EOF

Why "Realpath ." in line 16?

 Oliver Lehmann
        @home: lehmann@ans-netz.de
      @office: oliver.lehmann@mgi.de
         @www: http://www.pofo.de/  |  http://wishlist.ans-netz.de/