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Re: Game idea....

   +-----On Wed, 30 Jun 1999 01:56:30 GMT, you wrote:----------
   | I've had this idea for a game for awhile. And I just want some feedback
   | on wheter or not the idea is good or not. (BTW: I'm not saying that I
   | intend to make it (I'd like to, and I probably will start to..), and I
   | do know how hard it would be to make etc...)

   | Game title : Street Fighter Foo

   | General Description : Picture, if you can, Street Fighter II (the arcade
   | game); a direct rip off of that. But with a twist, instead of  the
   | normal characters; the linux mascot (tux), the freebsd mascot (deamon?),
   | bill gates, etc (or very similar)...

   | Platform : Anything that can compile C...

   | I really should get off my ass and start writting a design doc.

   | And that's about it. Ideas? Do people even remember SF2...

   | Cheers.

I have thought about this.  If you ever get started on it, I'll help you
out.  I thought it would be fun to use Tux to kick Bill Gates' butt!


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