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Re: Business models

On Saturday 26 May 2001 16:36, Mark Collins wrote:

> A system that would work with online games is a central registration
> server and a per-license key. 2 keys can't play at the same time. The
> server would require all connections to have a key, and if 2 identical
> keys are present/invalid key, it doesn't let the user play.
> Hostile, I know, but it could work to some extent.

Actually that is IMHO one of the nicer schemes - and it's one that does 
work. And it's quite simple and portable.

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (http://sunsite.dk/lgdc/)

Those who will not reason, are bigots,
those who cannot, are fools,
and those who dare not, are slaves.

- George Gordon Noel Byron (1788-1824), [Lord Byron]

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