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Re: Directory problem

On Thu, 2003-07-03 at 09:57, marcoc1@dada.it wrote:
> In the current dir, The_Force appears twice,
>  with the same, old IP.

There's some latency between when the descriptor is received and when it
reaches the directory -- how long did you wait?  (Right now, I can
connect to your node, so perhaps all is well.)  If it's there now, when
was the correct IP published?  (It seems that as recently as July 1,
your node was publishing an old IP.)

> If you doesn't need to mantain the present
>  situation to debug the dir problem, 
>  I want to do a delkey.

May I ask why?  Usually, deleting your keys serves no purpose except
when your server is buggy or has been compromised.  Any messages sent to
deleted keys will be lost.


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