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New PGP key for nickm soon.

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Hello, everyone!  This is an announcement in regards to my PGP
key.  I have begun switching to a new key; if you see messages
using the key below; if you see a Mixminion release signed with
the key below; or if I ask you to sign it [in person], it is *not*
an impersonation attempt.

The new key is longer, and (more importantly) is kept on a
separate, never-networked machine for security.

Once I have accumulated enough signatures on the new key, I'll
stop using the old one, though messages encrypted to it should
still work.  Until then, I will continue to use my current key for
everything except key-signing.

And as for key-signing: if I have a hardcopy PGP fingerprint from
you that I previously verified in your presence, then I'll soon be
emailing you copy of your key signed by my new one.  If I don't do
so, then I no longer have a copy of your fingerprint; give me
another the next time I see you.

As always, remember: set your keyserver to subkeys.pgp.net so that
you don't get a mangled copy.

[This announcement isn't entirely on-topic to mixminion-dev; I'm
only sending it here so that people don't freak out when Mixminion
gets signed with the new key.]


pub  1024D/3B4E2EEE 2002-12-29 Nick Mathewson <nickm@freehaven.net>
     Key fingerprint = EF57 0ED9 7878 34D0 54CC  CCF3 CE08 A61C 3B4E 2EEE
uid                            Nick Mathewson <nickm@alum.mit.edu>
sub  2048g/1D0D22D5 2002-12-29 [expires: 2003-12-29]
sub  1024R/6B75B073 2003-12-05 [expires: 2004-12-29]


pub  3072R/165733EA 2004-07-03 Nick Mathewson <nickm@alum.mit.edu>
     Key fingerprint = B35B F85B F194 89D0 4E28  C33C 2119 4EBB 1657 33EA
uid                            Nick Mathewson <nickm@wangafu.net>
uid                            Nick Mathewson <nickm@freehaven.net>
uid                            [jpeg image of size 3369]
sub  3072R/8D29319A 2004-07-03
sub  3072R/F25B8E5E 2004-07-03

Many thanks for your time,
- -- 
Nick Mathewson
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
