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[tor-commits] [translation/tor-launcher-network-settings] Update translations for tor-launcher-network-settings

commit 1dc5d209d3a665b47bbc0dd93c2dfe72910362a6
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Jul 13 17:46:12 2016 +0000

    Update translations for tor-launcher-network-settings
 sk_SK/network-settings.dtd | 30 +++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sk_SK/network-settings.dtd b/sk_SK/network-settings.dtd
index 50db4a6..1d74306 100644
--- a/sk_SK/network-settings.dtd
+++ b/sk_SK/network-settings.dtd
@@ -15,34 +15,34 @@
 <!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt1 "Pripojenie tohto poÄ?ítaÄ?a je cenzurované, filtrované alebo vedené cez proxy.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt2 "Musím nastaviť premostenie alebo miestne proxy nastavenie pred pripojením do  Tor&#160;siete.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.configure "Konfigurovať">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt2 "I would like to make a direct connection to the Tor network.">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt2 "Rád by som sa pripojil priamo do siete Tor.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt3 "Toto by vo väÄ?Å¡ine prípadov malo fungovaÅ¥.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.connect "Pripojiť">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.proxyPageTitle "Local Proxy Configuration">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.proxyQuestion "Does this computer need to use a local proxy to access the Internet?">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.proxyPageTitle "Miestne proxy nastavenia">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.proxyQuestion "Potrebuje tento poÄ?ítaÄ? použiÅ¥ proxy pre prístup na internet?">
 <!-- see https://www.torproject.org/docs/proxychain.html.en -->
-<!ENTITY torSettings.proxyExplanation1 "In most cases a local proxy is not needed, but it may be required when connecting through a company, school, or university network.">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.proxyExplanation2 "If you are not sure how to answer this question, look at the Internet settings in another browser or check your system's network settings to see whether a local proxy is needed.">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.proxyExplanation1 "Vo väÄ?Å¡ine prípadov nie je lokálne proxy potrebné, ale môže byÅ¥ vyžadované pri pripájaní sa cez firemnú, Å¡kolskú alebo univerzitnú sieÅ¥.">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.proxyExplanation2 "Ak si nie ste istý ako zodpovedaÅ¥ túto otázky, pozrite si nastavenia internetu v inom prehliadaÄ?i, alebo skontrolujte VaÅ¡e systémové sieÅ¥ové nastavenia, Ä?i je miestne proxy potrebné.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.enterProxy "Zadajte nastavenia proxy.">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgePageTitle "Tor Bridges Configuration">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgePageTitle "Konfigurácia premostenia Tor">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeQuestion "Blokuje váš poskytovateľ internetového pripojenia (ISP) alebo inak cenzuruje pripojenia do siete Tor Network?">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeExplanation1 "If you are not sure how to answer this question, choose No (if you are unable to connect to the Tor network without a bridge, you can add one later).">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeExplanation2 "If you choose Yes, you will be asked to configure Tor Bridges, which are unlisted relays that make it more difficult to block connections to the Tor Network.">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeExplanation1 "Ak si nie ste istý ako zodpovedať túto otázku, zvoľte Nie (ak sa nedokážete pripojiť k sieti Tor bez premostenia, môžete ho pridať neskôr).">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeExplanation2 "Ak zvolíte �no, budete vyzvaný na nastavenie Tor premostení. Premostenia sú v zozname neuvedené prenosy, ktoré sťažujú blokovanie pripojení do siete Tor.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeSettingsPrompt "Môžete použiť dodanú sadu premostení alebo si môžete zaobstarať a zadať vlastnú sadu premostení.">
 <!-- Other: -->
 <!ENTITY torsettings.startingTor "Ä?akanie na Å¡tart Toru...">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.restartTor "Reštartovať Tor">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.reconfigTor "Reconfigure">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.reconfigTor "Rekonfigurovať">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.discardSettings.prompt "You have configured Tor bridges or you have entered local proxy settings.&#160; To make a direct connection to the Tor network, these settings must be removed.">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.discardSettings.proceed "Remove Settings and Connect">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.discardSettings.prompt "Nakonfigurovali ste Tor premostenia alebo ste uviedli miestne nastavenia proxy.&#160; Pre vytvorenie priameho spojenia so sieťou Tor, musia byť tieto nastavenia odstránené.">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.discardSettings.proceed "Odstrániť nastavenia a spojenia">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.optional "Voliteľné">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.checkbox "This computer needs to use a local proxy to access the Internet">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.checkbox "Tento poÄ?ítaÄ? potrebuje pre prístup na Internet použiÅ¥ proxy">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type "Typ proxy:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.address "Adresa:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.address.placeholder "IP adresa alebo názov hostiteľa">
@@ -52,15 +52,15 @@
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type.socks4 "SOCKS 4">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type.socks5 "SOCKS 5">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type.http "HTTP / HTTPS">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.checkbox "This computer goes through a firewall that only allows connections to certain ports">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.checkbox "Tento poÄ?ítaÄ? prechádza cez firewall, ktorý povoľuje spojenie len k urÄ?itým portom.">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.allowedPorts "Povolené porty:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.checkbox "Môj poskytovateľ internetového pripojenia blokuje spojenie do siete Tor">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.default "Pripojiť sa cez dodané premostenia">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.note "Each type of bridge uses a different method to avoid censorship.&#160; If one bridge does not work, try again using a different one.">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.note "Každý typ premostení používa inú metódu na vyhýbanie sa cenzúre.&#160; Ak jedno premostenie nefunguje, skúste iné.">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.type "Typ transportu:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.custom "Zadajte vlastné premostenia">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.label "Zadaj jedno alebo viac premostení relé (jedno na riadok).">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.placeholder "type address:port">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.placeholder "adresa:port">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.copyLog "Kopírovať log Toru do schránky">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelpTitle "Pomocník pre premostenia relé">

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