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[tor-commits] [translation/tsum] Update translations for tsum

commit a48896faddd17e6dca75be7ef75b26f3e2aa1106
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Jun 3 14:45:10 2013 +0000

    Update translations for tsum
 si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml |   18 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml b/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml
index 7a3eac8..107a4ae 100644
--- a/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml
@@ -77,26 +77,26 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
     <h3 id="how-to-use-a-bridge">��ත���� භ���ත �රන�න� ����ද </h3>
     <p>�බට ප���ච�ච� ��ර�මට ��ට� ����පය�� �ත���ට, ��ද�ල�ය� ප�ල� ප�නලය ����ත �ර, ��ල��� �රන�න <em>��ට��ම�</em>, <em>ජ�ල</em>මත �� �ල��ණ� �ල ය�ත�ත� <em>ම��� ISP Tor ජ�ලයට �න �බ�ද�ම� ����ර �රය�</em> යන�න �ඩ��� ��ට��ය. ප�ත ��ට��� ��ට� �ත�ලත� �රන�න, <em>�ර�</em> යන�න �බ� Tor න��ත �රඹන�න.</p>
     <h3 id="how-to-use-an-open-proxy">����ත ����ද�ය�ය��� භ���ත� �රන�න� ����ද </h3>
-    <p>If using a bridge does not work, try configuring Tor to use any HTTPS or SOCKS proxy to get access to the Tor network. This means even if Tor is blocked by your local network, open proxies can be safely used to connect to the Tor Network and on to the uncensored Internet.</p>
-    <p>The steps below assume you have a functional Tor/Vidalia configuration, and you have found a list of HTTPS, SOCKS4, or SOCKS5 proxies.</p>
+    <p>à·?à·?ටà·?à·?à¶?à·? පà·?à·?à·?චà·?චà·? à¶?à·?රà·?ම à¶?චà·?ත නà·?à·?à·?නමà·?, Tor à·?ට à¶?නà·?ම HTTPS à·?à·? à·?à·?à¶?ටà·?ටà·? නà·?යà·?තà·? à·?à·?à·?à·?දà·?යà¶?යà¶?à·? Tor ජà·?ලයට පà·?â??රà·?à·?à·?à·?ට à·?à·?මට à·?à·?à¶?à·? à·?න පරà·?දà·? à·?à·?නà·?â??යà·?à·? à¶?à·?රà·?මට à¶?තà·?à·?à·? à¶?රනà·?න. à¶?නමà·? Tor පà·?දà·?à·?à·?à¶?ත ජà·?ලය මà¶?à·?නà·? à¶?à·?à·?à·?ර à¶?ර à¶?තà·? à·?à·?à·?ද, à·?à·?à·?à·?ත නà·?යà·?තà·? à·?à·?à·?à·?දà·?යà¶?යනà·? à¶?රà¶?à·?à·?à·?තà·? Tor ජà·?ලයට à·?à·? à·?රණ නà·?තà·? à¶?නà·?තරà·?ජà·?ලයට à·?බà·?දà·?මට à·?à·?à¶?.</p>
+    <p>පà·?ත පà·?යà·?ර à¶?පà¶?ලà·?පනය à¶?රනà·?නà·? à¶?බට මà·?à·?à·?යà·?මà·? Tor/à·?à·?දà·?ලà·?යà·? à·?à·?නà·?â??යà·?à·?ය à¶?තà·? බà·?, à·?à·? à¶?බ HTTPS, 4à·?à·?à¶?ටà·?ටà·?, 5à·?à·?à¶?ටà·?ටà·? නà·?යà·?තà·? à·?à·?à·?à·?දà·?යà¶?යනà·? à·?à·?à·?ත ලà·?යà·?à·?à·?තà·?à·?à¶?à·? ලà·?බà·? à¶?තà·? බà·?ය.</p>
     <ol style="list-style-type: decimal">
       <li>��දල�ය� ප�ල� ප�නලය ����ත �ර <em>��ට��ම�</em> මත ��ල��� �රන�න.</li>
       <li>��ල��� �රන�න <em>ජ�ලය</em>. ත�රන�න <em>�න�තරජ�ලය� ��ර���ර�මට මම proxy ���� භ���ත� �රය�</em>.</li>
       <li><em>ල�ප�නය�</em> ����ත proxy ල�ප�නය �ත��ත� �රන�න.  ම�ය �ත���ර� න�මය�� �� IP ල�ප�නය�� ��ය ����ය.</li>
       <li>����ද�ය�ය�ට ප�ර�ටය �ත��ත� �රන�න.</li>
-      <li>Generally, you do not need a username and password. If you do, enter the information in the proper fields.</li>
-      <li>Choose the <em>Type</em> of proxy you are using, whether HTTP/HTTPS, SOCKS4, or SOCKS5.</li>
-      <li>Push the <em>OK</em> button. Vidalia and Tor are now configured to use a proxy to access the rest of the Tor network.</li>
+      <li>à·?à·?මà·?නà·?â??යයà·?නà·?, à¶?බට පරà·?à·?à·?ලà¶? නà·?මයà¶?à·? à·?à·? මà·?ර පදයà¶?à·? à¶?à·?à·?à·?â??ය නà·?ත. à¶?à·?à·?à·?â??ය නමà·?, à¶?දà·?ල à·?à·?ථà·?නà·?ල තà·?රතà·?රà·? à¶?තà·?à·?තà·? à¶?රනà·?න.</li>
+      <li>ත�රන�න<em>�ර��ය</em> �බ භ���ත��රන proxy ය,  HTTP/HTTPS, SOCKS4, or SOCKS5 ���ත�.</li>
+      <li>තද à¶?රනà·?න<em>OK</em> බà·?තà·?තම. à·?à·?දà·?ලà·?යà·? à·?à·? Tor දà·?නà·? Tor ජà·?ලය proxy à¶?à¶?à¶?à·? à·?රà·?à·? ලà¶?à·?à¶?රදà·?මට දà·?නà·? à·?à·?නà·?â??යà·?à¶?ත à¶?ර à¶?ත..</li>
     <h2 id="frequently-asked-questions">නà·?තරම à¶?à·?න පà·?â??රà·?à·?න </h2>
-    <p>This section will answer some of the most common questions. If your question is not mentioned here, please send an email to help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</p>
+    <p>මà·?ම à¶?à·?ටà·? බà·?à·?à·?à·?à·?ට à¶?à·?à·?න පà·?â??රà·?à·?න රà·?à·?à¶?ට පà·?à·?à·?තà·?රà·? à·?පයයà·?. à¶?බà¶?à·? පà·?â??රà·?නය මà·?à·?à·? à·?දà·?නà·? නà·?à·?à·?නමà·?, à¶?රà·?ණà·?à¶?ර à·?à·?දà·?â??යà·?තà·? තà·?පà·?ලà¶?à·? help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx à·?à·?ත à¶?à·?නà·?න.</p>
     <h3 id="unable-to-extract-the-archive">Unable to extract the archive</h3>
-    <p>If you are using Windows and find that you cannot extract the archive, download and install <a href="http://www.7-zip.org/";>7-Zip</a>.</p>
-    <p>If you are unable to download 7-Zip, try to rename the file from .z to .zip and use winzip to extract the archive. Before renaming the file, tell Windows to show file extensions:</p>
+    <p>�බ ��න�ඩ��� ප���ච�ච� �රන �තර ��ර����තය �ද�ත ��ර�මට න����� බ� ��ට�� නම�, බ��ත �ර ��ථ�ප�ත �රන�න <a href="http://www.7-zip.org/";>7-Zip</a>.</p>
+    <p>à¶?බට 7-Zip බà·?à¶?ත à¶?à·?රà·?මට නà·?à·?à·?à¶?à·? නමà·?, à¶?à·?නà·?à·? නà·?ම à¶?à·?නà·?à·?à·?මà·?දà·? .z à·?à·?ට .zip ට à¶?තà·?à·?à·? à¶?ර winzip පà·?à·?à·?චà·?චà·? à¶?ර à·?à¶?රà¶?à·?à·?à·?තය à¶?දà·?ත à¶?රනà·?න. à¶?à·?නà·?à·? නà·?à·?ත නà·?ම à¶?à·?නà·?à·?à·?මට පà·?â??රථම, à·?à·?නà·?ඩà·?à·?à·? à·?à·?ත à¶?à·?නà·? දà·?à¶?à·?à·? පà·?නà·?à·?න ලà·?à·? à¶?à·?යනà·?න:</p>
     <h4 id="windows-xp">Windows XP</h4>
     <ol style="list-style-type: decimal">
       <li><em>My Computer</em> ����ත �රන�න </li>
-      <li>Click on <em>Tools</em> and choose <em>Folder Options...</em> in the menu</li>
+      <li>��ල��� �රන�න <em>ම��ලම�</em> �� ත�රන�න <em>��ල�ඩර� ���ල�ප...</em> ම�න�� ��</li>
       <li><em>View</em> ට�බය මත ��ල��� �රන�න </li>
       <li>Uncheck <em>Hide extensions for known file types</em> and click <em>OK</em></li>

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