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Re: Contacted by "oompaloompa" operator: BadExit removed

On 16/02/2011 05:10, Mike Perry wrote:

> I was contacted by the operator of oompaloompa. He has changed the
> exit policy of his two nodes to the "Reduced" policy:
> http://torstatus.blutmagie.de/router_detail.php?FP=775df6b8cf3fb0150a594f6e2b5cb1e0ac45d09b
> http://torstatus.blutmagie.de/router_detail.php?FP=babbf0694251e5aff7bf3a0a02efdc12cb99b05f

Is this one of the guys who didn't have published contact info? I can
see he does at the moment... Did he explain why he didn't have it?

Mike Cardwell https://grepular.com/  https://twitter.com/mickeyc
Professional  http://cardwellit.com/ http://linkedin.com/in/mikecardwell
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