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Re: [tor-talk] How to install tor in Linux just as secure as tor-browser-bundle ?

On Sun, 15 Jan 2012 07:45:12 -0500
andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 10:42:38AM +0530, bakshi12@xxxxxxxxx wrote 3.2K bytes in 60 lines about:
> : > Actually, Firefox does not use SOCKS for name resolution only in default setting 
> : > (unless you are talking about different bug). There's 
> : > "network.proxy.socks_remote_dns" in about:config, which needs to be set to true. 
> : a system upgrade. The TBB provided by tor is really doing its job well. And I am interested to know
> : its settings so that users can just make such system with available debian packages. Does the custom
> : TBB uses polipo/privoxy ? I just found the following ports after starting TBB
> TBB does not use polipo nor privoxy. 
> : I can't remember correctly though, but I have read somewhere that current TBB doesn't use
> : privoxy/polipo anymore after getting firefox version 6. If it is correct, then we also don't
> : need them; So how does TBB solve the DNS leakage issue ? The correct info is required..
> Quoting from another reply to you, the answer is here:
> : > Actually, Firefox does not use SOCKS for name resolution only in default setting 
> : > (unless you are talking about different bug). There's 
> : > "network.proxy.socks_remote_dns" in about:config, which needs to be set to true. 
> : A deb repo for tor customized aurora is also nice. I know the down-loadable TBB is just great.
> : Still having the knowledge to make such system with available deb packages is always interesting.
> : I'll look into the links you have provided, mean time any more clues is very much welcome.
> Start here, https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser/design/
> and then read the source,
> https://gitweb.torproject.org/torbrowser.git/tree/HEAD:/src/current-patches/firefox
> and then look at the settings for firefox aurora,
> https://gitweb.torproject.org/torbrowser.git/blob/HEAD:/build-scripts/config/prefs.js

Thanks a lot.

What about the ports ? Can you mention anything about 

44036/tcp open  unknown
46712/tcp open  unknown
58536/tcp open  unknown

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