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Re: [pygame] py2exe on fonty.py fails with segfault

On Jan 9, 2004, at 12:23 PM, J. Michael McGarrah wrote:

I'm actually using pygsear but simplied the problem to the fonty.py
example that ships with pygame.

I'm trying to use Py2exe with Python 2.3.3 and the binary release of
Py2exe that is on the sourceforge website as of last night 1-9-2004
with the stable release of both pygame and SDL for Windows.  I'm on a
Win32 system - Windows XP Pro to be exact.
It probably can't find the default ttf file. I don't know how py2exe packages things, but I know that if you try and use the zip import hook for pygame it will not work. The way pygame finds in-package non-python-module resources should be abstracted somehow for this reason. FYI, bundlebuilder on OS X has this same problem, but the workaround is to include the entire pygame package "manually". By default, bundlebuilder uses the zip import feature to consolidate all the python code it thinks a program depends on into a single ExtensionModules.zip.


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