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reminders for good mailing list posts Re: [pygame] Making A Module

"Casey Duncan" <casey@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As an aside, I'll think you'll find people can answer your questions
> much more effectively if you post an example of the code that is not
> working (or at least the relevant parts or a minimal example) plus
> the error message including the traceback with your initial question.
> I'm happy to help, but it's hard for me to tell if I'm really helping
> at all without more specifics.

This is certainly true, and I'll take it a few steps further and remind
people that to get the best answers to your questions, you should try to
do the following:

* Do a little bit of research on your own, first. The PyGame Wiki has a
lot of answers. Sometimes using a search engine like Google can give you
the answers you seek.

* Make sure you're posting on the correct mailing list. The PyGame mailing
list is a great place to talk about the PyGame library. It's an OK place
to talk about SDL. It's not a bad place to talk about Python games
programming in general. It's a poor place to go for generic Python or
programming questions. This helps you and it helps the mailing list -
you'll be more likely to reach the experts you're looking for, and the
mailing list will stay focused on its topic.

* When replying, make sure you're quoting the relevant part of the
original post. Consider trimming the original post so it's clear what
you're replying to. If the subject of your reply doesn't fit the original
subject, consider adjusting the subject to better fit your post.

These and other guides for helping mailing lists work smoothly are covered
here: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

Dave LeCompte