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[school-core] Re: Membership Entry Notification

Dear Rod Markham,

Thank you for your interest in Schoolforge.net.

We are a coalition of organizations fostering free and open software and other
educational resources. I have had a look at your Web site and see no evidence of
interest in either education or free and open software/resources. Please let me
know if I am mistaken, but I suspect that you and your organization are not
right for membership as you do not share or work for our goals. Please let me know.

Best wishes,

David Bucknell
for Schoolforge.net

Quoting Seul/Edu Membership <richl@seul.org>:

> Name: Australian Centre of Neuropsychotherapy
> Url: http://www.depane.com
> Description: Research and development to find causes for and significant
> treatments for neurological conditions.
> Contact: rod markham
> Contact email:depane@optusnet.com.au
> Password: 

http://members.iteachnet.org/webzine *
http://opensourceschools.org *
http://www.rose-marie.ac.th *
