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[school-core] RE: cooperation

Hi, thanks for the up-date <grin>.

Quoting Sean Fredrick Keane <laugh@sean.keane.name>:

> Hi!
> Yes, we did.
> Sorry... I am a STUDENT teacher... so not only do I have kindergarten,
> but I also have a full load of university classes... so I've been real
> sidetracked. :) thanks for the follow up message!! 
> After I got your message that you couldn't find my post I realized that
> I had actually ended up posting to some other message group from a link
> off the sourceforge site. Whoops!  

Well, I've read the rest of your message and I hope your group _will_ join
schoolforge -- do you have a site? If you do, and are willing to put a logo
(choose one from http://schoolforge.net/logos or make your own) on it (linked to
http://schoolforge.net) and participate in schoolforge-discuss (or have other
members do that!) then you're ready: go to http://schoolforge.net/sfdiscuss.php
to join the mailing list and http://seuldat.seul.org/cgi-bin/mementer0.pl to
fill out the membership info. form.

> I also considered what you had said about membership and it does make
> more sense now.  I just thought it was a slightly cumbersome hurdle to
> participation.  

Anyone can join schoolforge-discuss and participate. I hope your colleagues will
do this. We have some really great people using open source tools to stream
broadcast and make cd's of free books and music. You all will fit right in.

> As for Kempleton.com - the gist of it is that we are creating music that
> may be suitable for royalty free use in education related projects -
> open source music we like to think.  All music will be released under
> the new CreativeCommons.org Attribuition-NonCommerical-ShareAlike
> license - essentially public domain.  
> At this point there really needs to be a filter to designate music that
> is appropriate for young audiences (as there are a couple for mature
> audiences only), but you should know that there are a variety of
> perfectly appropriate instrumental albums from different artists in
> classical, acoustic guitar and ambient electronic genres.  
> We are not quite sure how best to share this project with the public.
> We know that we would like people to feel free to use it, especially if
> they are in need of something to suit a particular license and are
> looking to avoid fees... we also thought that developers might feel at
> home listening to music that is ideologically compatible with their
> efforts - generous creative work without strings attached.  We are
> slowly making announcements in various nooks of the open source
> community.  Because I am now working in the educational domain I thought
> it would be appropriate to share with people like yourself initially. 
> On a side note, I am formerly a web developer - I worked primarily
> scripting in Macromedia Flash.  I am always curious as to how I could
> integrate some of my skills into the primary school classroom.  Are
> there any projects on opensourceschools.org that are coded in flash?  Do
> you know of other resources that might be helpful for technology
> integration in primary education?  Thanks.

There is lots of talk on the list about the flash format which is open and the
fact that an open tool to manipulate that format is still needed.

> sean
> Sean Fredrick Keane
> laugh@sean.keane.name
> http://sean.keane.name

Best wishes,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Bucknell [mailto:david@members.iteachnet.org] 
> Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 10:03 PM
> To: Sean
> Subject: Re: cooperation
> Dear Sean,
> I _think_ we exchanged messages re your thoughts below. Or did we?
> <grin> Pretty busy here, as I'm sure you are as a kindergarten teacher.
> Let me know how we can work together.
> David Bucknell
> OpenSourceSchools.org and Schoolforge Membership
> ==
> On Sat, Feb 01, 2003 at 02:52:59AM -0500, Sean wrote:
> > Hi, 
> > 
> > I am a student teacher at a kindergarden in New York.  I have switched
> > careers, having been trained in visual design and programming 
> > previously.  The school I work at is about average with technology 
> > integration, so there is much room for improvement. I am eager to
> apply 
> > my previous experience to this new environment.  I am thankful for
> your 
> > efforts to bring innovations to our schools.  
> > 
> > I have a few comments I would like to share. 
> > 
> > First, i would love to use the chat, but IRC isn't something that will
> > be installed in our school machines and is not something i currently 
> > have at home. while i am  familiar with various clients, I am largely 
> > uninterested in the hassles it introduces to an otherwise simple task.
> > perhaps you aren't aware, but there are java and Flash clients that
> can 
> > rest in a web page and access an IRC server and channel seamlessly. 
> > perhaps that would be something worthwhile to investigate? 
> > 
> > I am a little baffled by the prohibition of individual membership.
> your 
> > mission statement conflicts with the suggestion that individuals are a
> > valued resource.  i really have no official association. i am really 
> > just a lone force. how does this restriction fit into the plan? 
> > 
> > while i look forward to contributing a variety of works, i do have one
> > to share right now. i posted a note about it in the message board: 
> > 
> > Open Music for copyright free usage Our collective, Kempleton 
> > (http://www.kempleton.com ), is working to produce and distribute
> music 
> > created with the open source ideology in mind. Currently at 20 albums 
> > by 11 different artists, a range of genres are represented and free to
> > incorporate into your projects royalty free.  While in its infacy, the
> > collective will begin to establish a section with K-12 usage in mind -
> > in the meantime, please excuse content that may be inappropriate for 
> > your audience. Perhaps you may now work on open software while 
> > listening to music with a clearer conscience knowing that  you are 
> > surrounded by like-minded creative support.  
> > 
> > thanks again, 
> > Sean Keane  
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 

http://members.iteachnet.org/webzine *
http://opensourceschools.org *
http://www.rose-marie.ac.th *
