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Re: [school-core] Reminder

On Thu, 17 Jan 2002, Doug Loss wrote:

> While we're on the subject of operating procedures, I should mention
> that each of our groups is supposed to post one of the member
> graphics (Matt's or Felipe's) and the text "A member of the
> Schoolforge coalition" somewhere on its website.  We haven't all
> done this yet.  In particular, SEUL/edu hasn't done this yet (I'm so
> embarrassed).  So, if you all would see to getting this done, we can
> more readily complain about any new members that don't put that link
> up quickly :-).

Yes, it did. I have CVS access to the SEUL/edu web page, remember ? The 
puzzle piece is there on the bottom of the page.

Felipe Paulo Guazzi Bergo - Free Software Developer (bergo@seul.org)
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http://www.advogato.org/person/khazad - Brasilia - DF - Brazil - Earth

* In topologic hell, beer comes in Klein's bottles.