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Re: [school-core] Re: Possible collaboration with schoolforge.net?

After trying various links, was able to sign in to https://wiki.schoolforge.net/ and it works.  I am getting a certificate error though. 
I realize we're concerned with open textbooks, but could we expand the wiki or use it as a starting point for some other collections of information as well?  I'd love to see a page put together on what people can do to get more involved in Open Source.  It could list Open Source, FSF and Creative Commons types of projects in need of volunteers plus give links to other sites that already offer similar lists.  Am hoping to give a talk on Open Source at our district's Tech Conference again this year.  Would love to be able to give the people attending a way to follow up after the talk by giving them a reference that lists what projects need help and possibly a way to match what skills they have to the projects.
Other information lists that might be useful are lists of Open Source multimedia projects and Open Source hardware projects.
It might also be nice for the open text project if we can link to the schoolforge software list so users can see just the tools that would be useful for creating open texts.  Don't know if we'd need another category, or perhaps we can just use the tags and set up a tag for open text.  I'm going to try setting this up as a special tag and a link to the tag from the wiki and we'll see how well it works.