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Re: [school-core] Schoolforge software list

I upgraded a module today; not the tags, but perhaps I broke it.  Can't figure it out.  Will investigate.  Not good.


----- Message from lmemsm@xxxxxxxxx ---------
    Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 10:22:05 -0500
    From: LM <lmemsm@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: schoolforge-core@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [school-core] Schoolforge software list
      To: schoolforge-core@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I added ghostscript, a2ps, enscript and antiword to our software list at Schoolforge.  I updated/published the pages, but I'm still not seeing them.  I'm also now having trouble with the tags and categories.  Any tag I click on, any platform link or any category other than All Software is coming back with an empty list of software.  Any ideas what's going on?  Thanks.

----- End message from lmemsm@xxxxxxxxx -----

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