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Re: [school-core] Donate link?

ask not, receive not


On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 8:19 AM, Justin <jriddiough@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello everyone,

While there haven't been any major changes to the SchoolForge.net website over the last couple years, it hasn't been such an unproductive period for the website itself.  Back in January 07, the site was getting approx 3000 visitors a month.  Five of the last 6 months the site has brought in 10,000 views a month.  So by letting things settle in, they have consistently built up a reputation with the search engines. 

I think that the site itself is ready for an overhaul and a rebuild within Drupal.  I think there is a ton of room for improvement and would enjoy working on this.  So this is the question I would like to field - What would folks think of putting up a Donate link?  Many FLOSS projects do this, and if it worked out it could certainly be utilized.  I don't carry high expectations as far as what people would donate, but the way things are going in this economy.. anything would help.

Please let me know your thoughts..

Justin Riddiough