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Re: [school-core] is it possible...

Adreas Kalbitz wrote:

> to ask someone, before subscribing him to a mailing list?  I'd like
> do decide myself, if I want to read the list, and I wish to have the
> choice wich of my email addresses I want to use.
> Felix

Well, the conditions of Schoolforge membership are that someone is
designated the Schoolforge representative for the member organization
and is automatically subscribed to the schoolforge-core mailing list.
That representative can be changed, or his or her email address changed,
but each organization needs to have someone on the list so the
organization as a whole is kept aware of what Schoolforge is planning to
do.  Also, so the organization can make suggestions or voice objections
to any Schoolforge plans.  I think it's an important thing to have
someone from each organization receiving these messages.  The
schoolforge-core mailing list isn't a high-volume one, after all.

Doug Loss                 All I want is a warm bed
Data Network Coordinator  and a kind word and
Bloomsburg University     unlimited power.
dloss@bloomu.edu                Ashleigh Brilliant