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[school-core] Membership Listing

On the membership listing, I continue to notice that the DIDASCA entry is placed above all other entries (as opposed to being in alphabetical order like all other coalition member entries)I'm again making the request that DIDASCA be listed in alphabetical order on the membership list (as are all other member organizations of the coalition), or that a deadline be provided for when the revised membership list will be available.
As I've mentioned before (both on and off list), I am concerned with the progress made on updating the membership listing available on the website.  I would greatly appreciate more regular progress updates and / or feedback concerning:
1) What progress has been made
2) What is left to do
3) When the project is projected to be complete
Individuals coordinating Schoolforge website projects are ultimately responsible to the members of the Schoolforge Coalition.  As such, I don't think it out of line to request that those individuals coordinating such efforts be more proactive about posting feedback and / or progress reports to the list.  Posting such regular reports to the list will help to ensure quicker turnaround times on future projects (by alerting coalition members to lack of resources, need for assistance, etc).
Michael Viron
President & CEO, General Education Online, A Schoolforge Founding Member
President & CEO, International Education Resources, A General Education Online Organization