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Re: [school-core] Fwd: Open Source Consultancy

David Bucknell wrote:

> Did anyone respond to this yet? If you did, or can, please cc this list. This
> request is for something we have discussed but never done, I believe.
> David
> ----- Forwarded message from Kate Opalack <kate@bangstate.com> -----
>     Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 14:51:50 -0400
>     From: Kate Opalack <kate@bangstate.com>
> Reply-To: Kate Opalack <kate@bangstate.com>
>  Subject: Open Source Consultancy
>       To: info@schoolforge.net
> Dear Sir/Madam-
> Bangstate, Inc. (www.bangstate.com) is a professional services provider
> of open source solutions. While our clients currently range from
> publishers to non-profit organizations, we are particularly interested
> in entering the educational arena. Does SchoolForge.net offer
> advertising services or know of resources where firms such as ourselves
> can connect with schools and/or districts in need of open source
> solution implementation?

I certainly don't know of any resources for you, and I'm pretty sure that
Schoolforge doesn't have the visibility (yet) you'd need to get your message
out.  Your best bet would be to exhibit at some conferences like NECC
<http://www.neccsite.org>.   These are where you'd be most likely to contact the
decision makers for such things at various schools and districts.

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