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RE: [school-core] School Software and OS Choice

> There are schools making use of BSD - not sure if anything beyond that. What
> OSes did you have in mind?

Yes, there are many alternative OSs that are far more usable and useful 
to students than Linux or BSD. Namely, BeOS and its open source variants 
(see http://www.beunited.org ). I was wondering why these systems have 
not found their way into the public domain or school systems. BeOS 
offers superior performance on older machines than Linux, has a far more 
integrated and user-friendly user interface, and supports all the APIs 
needed to create rich media for education.

> For lots of info on school apps, see http://seul.org/edu - or just ask if
> you can't see something that fulfils your need.

Thanks, I'll check this out.

> Regards
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Simon Gauvin
> To: schoolforge-core@schoolforge.net
> Sent: 9/4/03 1:00 PM
> Subject: [school-core] School Software and OS Choice
> Karl Sarnow,
> > Hello Grahame,
> > 	Linux is obviously the OS of choice in your case. Most 
> > distributions 
> > contain not only the OS itself but _lots_ of good software for 
> > schools.
> > 
> Can someone show me where all these "good software for schools" is. Is
> there a web site that lists them?
> Another question, is Linux the "only" open source OS that exists out
> there that people are using for schools, or are there other alternative
> OSs that are in use?
> Thanks
> --
> Simon Gauvin, MCS
> Dalhousie University
> http://www.cs.dal.ca/~gauvins