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Re: [school-core] School Software and OS Choice

Simon Gauvin wrote:
Karl Sarnow,

Hello Grahame,
Linux is obviously the OS of choice in your case. Most distributions contain not only the OS itself but _lots_ of good software for schools.

Can someone show me where all these "good software for schools" is. Is
there a web site that lists them?

It is hidden in the sea of software coming with an ordinary distribution.

What are you looking for?

Scientific writing? Lyx.
Creating schematics for the laboratory? xfig.
Viewing molecules? rasmol or VMD.
Image manipulation? GIMP.
Creating chemical formulas for including in prints? xdrawchem.
Scientific charts? xmgrace.
Office? OpenOffice.org.

To be continued....

Another question, is Linux the "only" open source OS that exists out
there that people are using for schools, or are there other alternative
OSs that are in use?

There is also BSD, which is like Linux a Unix derivative. If you do feel
strange with Linux, don't try BSD. But if you feel happy with any UNIX,
BSD could be a choice too. You then have to re-compile some programs may be.


Dr. Karl Sarnow
Teacher at Gymnasium Isernhagen
German national co-ordinator of the European Schools Project
e-Mail: karl@dadoka.h.ni.schule.de
URL: http://www.shuttle.schule.de/h/dadoka