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[school-discuss] Anyone attending TCEA next week?

Hi there!

I will be attending TCEA in Austin, TX next week from Monday evening through
Friday with a group from my school.

Will any of you be there?  It would be fun to meet you and/or help with any
source stuff.

Also, I need to pick your brains again.  My next project is to build a render
farm for my computer animation and digital video classes.  So far I have
collected six old computers and expect two or three more at least.  Have any of
you build one before?

This week we are starting group projects - animating nursery rhymes in Blender.

I posted some of the student work from last semester at
http://fineartsforall.org/semtest1.html.  Students used Blender tutorials and
models from the Blender Gallery for inspiration.  

Cinelerra on Musix is turning out to be a great tool for multimedia class as
well.  We also like Audacity, Ardour, Rosegarden and Hydrogen from the Musix
CD.  Kino on Ubuntu Studio is great for converting formats.

Other cries for help are . . . I would like to use Joomla with the Webmastering
class - anyone used it?

Also, I need good organizational software for group work planning.  I am really
lost here.

Have a great day!

