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Re: SEUL: Re: What's the diff to SEUL ? (fwd)

   jfm2@club-internet.fr wrote:
   > If you wan't SEUL to be a failure then the shotest path is trying to
   > target people like this in the first edition.  To begin with Linux
   > does not have appication software for him.
   > Do a SEUL significantly easier than any present distribution.  Haviong
   > an easier Linux will attract people less computer oriented than
   > previous Linux users.  Then the change in compostion of the Linux
   > population will incite both commercial ("there is a market for easy
   > programs") and free developpers to make user friendlier software.
   > Then using that software you can be more ambitious in SEUL2.  Ans so
   > use the snowball effect until Linux is no longer for IQs higher than
   > 95 but can be used by morons too.  :-)

   Look.  The botom line is that everyone doesn't have a CDROM.  I ran
   Linux for over a year without a CDROM.  I was able to do that because
   installation was available in floppy images, when I went from making my
   own to a distribution.

   The target of this dis' is those morons, as you put it.  If you've been
   following these lists you saw that apps are in development for the
   office, if that is what you were refering to, and God knows there are
   plenty of games, which is what the guy was looking at to begin with.

"Linux, for people with IQs > 95" was a slogan for T-shirts.  "Hey
Linux must be for morons too" was Linus comment.  I was playing with
that.  I was questionning wanting to make SEUL for people with no
computer experience at all.  It is not possible now (and I am very
aware of waht is in preparation).  Build SEUL for people with some
computer experince but far less than the ones using Linux now.  And
then in successive versions continue lowering more and more the
threshold to Linux until we can get to your guy.

   There are very experienced users out there that don't have a CDROM
   because the upgrade what they have.  It's inevidable that they will have
   to get a CDROM, as I did, but some think they can hold out until the
   next generation, dvd able, CDROM's are reasonably priced, since current
CD drivers of the previous generatiion are so cheap than soon they
will come in washing powder packets.

   CDROM's are going to be obsolete in the near future.

No CDROMs are standrd equipment in every computer built in the past
three years.  Also what is the first thing a new user needs: paper
doc.  You can put a CD and paper doc together not a modem cvonnection.
So forget people donloading a whole distribution, besides there are
countries countries where the phone company will chrge you over three
dollars an hour for a local connection.

Don't hold your breath for DVDs they are still very expensive and it
seems the standard is not definitively settled.

   To make a dis' that is dependant on a user 1) getting the dis' on CDROM
   2) having a CDROM is not wise.  How is it to be archived?  Every dis'
   out there, most anyway, can be completely installed from the inernet. 
   You want to eliminate that availability to make it easier on *us*
   instead of the user?

   If I'm missunderstanding you, let me know.

CDs are the only viable way for shipping 200 Megs or more.

			Jean Francois Martinez

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