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[Fwd: Programming Tools]

I'm forwarding Vincent's message to me with his permission.  Could those
of you who are developing educational applications please respond to
him?  He's looking for information on what tools educators are using to
develop Linux programs.  This means more than our regular coders; it's
meant to include teachers who are developing things for their personal
use and the use of their colleagues.

Vincent KONIECZEK wrote:
> Hi,
> Odile Benassy advices me to mail you to talk with you about the need of
> programming tools ...
> With the help of Odile, AFUL and a few other associations, we are trying
> to create a movement toward Linux in the school ... In this way, we talk
> with teachers who developped software for Windows and we saw that the
> lack of programming tools that enhance the programmation under Linux is
> the first point that explain they don't develop under Linux ... (The
> second is money but ... )
> Therefore, we decided to list the tools that could be put in libraries
> and that we could develop and provide to help them ... To standardize a
> little more softwares to be able to use several together (think about
> CORBA) ...
> To explain a little more this idea ...
> In France, Visual Basic has had a great impact on teachers that could
> develop because it is an easy way to do so ... Even a few teachers that
> hadn't developped yet, has made some software ...
> Think also about the impact of an application like Glade on GTK and
> GNOME programmation ...
> In fact, our aim is not to make such a developping tool but smaller
> libraries, each one involved in one aspect of an educational software
> ...
> We thought of a librairies for multimedia, one for network, one for
> enhancing samba maybe, one for XML/EDUML (We are really interested
> because it's a "could-be" powerful tool in the administration of schools
> or highschools in France ) ...
> But they are still ideas because we don't know exactly what are the real
> needs and because we don't want to start developping without knowing
> where we go ...
> That's why I mail you ... Can you help us a little in this way with
> seul-edu ?
> Odile talked me about a wishlist you have written ... Is this the ToDo
> list of the seul-edu main page ?
> Do you think it is  possible to ask to all developpers/project leaders
> on seul-edu  or to a part only, what could be the more useful tools they
> need and that could make easier their developpement ?
> We perfectly know it's a difficult idea to make true but we think it
> could be a really good thing for Linux and for schools if we could ...
> We are ready to evaluate the amount of work needed, and maybe to start
> developping ...
> If we have some results, I think more people could join us to help ...
> Our goal is not really dedicated for education, it's a good thing to
> notice, it could help in future ... We will see
> Sincerely
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Eleve ingenieur a l'ENSIMAG - 2eme annee
>                               option "Systeme et Reseau"
> Email: vincent.konieczek@ensimag.imag.fr

Doug Loss                 A life spent making mistakes is not only
Data Network Coordinator  more honorable, but more useful than a
Bloomsburg University     life spent doing nothing.
dloss@bloomu.edu                G. B. Shaw