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Re: [seul-edu] Cafeteria management software


Jacques has taken my request and is working on something right now.  I
offered to help with anything I could (not much besides HTML stuff) but
he's doing what he can.  I don't know where it's at, but I told him not
to rush it as we are making do right now.  I'll post our couple of
pertinent conversations after this is sent.


Doug Loss wrote:

> Now that our various philosophical discussions have quieted down, I
> have a few messages about concrete items that I want to bring up.
> What ever happened with the cafeteria management software idea?  If
> it's just quietly disappeared, I think it's time to bring it up
> again.  This looks to me like something that's both fairly easy to
> do and likely to be very useful.  SEUL will be happy to provide our
> standard hosting resources to such a project
> <http://www.seul.org/pub/hosting.html>.  If the people who talked
> about it (Ryan, Jaques, others?) are willing to have a go at it, I
> think we can come up with something usable in short order.  Let's
> hear some committments of effort!  Bruno, does EduML have fields
> that would cover use in such software?
> --
> Doug Loss                 God is a comedian playing
> Data Network Coordinator  to an audience too afraid
> Bloomsburg University     to laugh.
> dloss@bloomu.edu                Voltaire