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Groping on:

>[NB: This isn't exactly part of the OS, but its importance lies in the
>fact that the reason that mainstream 'puter users would want to switch
>is the availability of software to do the tasks they want to do.]

Pete, to me the above says that someone would want to switch OS to be
able to run a killer app. This would be great if there was a killer app for
Linux but I can't think of one. Perhaps this should be stated the other way
around. Someone would switch to a superior OS if the application software
they needed was available. This would then be the motivation for finding out
what software they need.

>* Customized applications to run specific tasks

* Ability to customized applications to run specific tasks
In a sense this says the same thing as 'Having the freedom to study etc.'
question below. However, for now, I'd  hang onto the above question.
Before I forget, I noticed we have questions starting 'Ability to' and 'Being
able to'. To me these say basically the same thing. For consistancy we
should pick one and make all  these questions start the same. If we come
up with something better it will be easy to do a global change since they
will all start (* X).

>* Uses (I need to use my computer for specific tasks.  Specific
>applications don't matter as long as they fill the need).
>* Availability of a wide variety of apps (commercial, freeware?)

The above two questions need real help. After supper or tomorrow.
Also even if the OS is free, there may still be costs involved in switching.
A direct cost involved in replacing the application software and an indirect
cost involved in getting proficient with it.

>!* software brand reputation (good or bad)
>!* hardware brand reputation (good or bad)
>!  [was: brand reputation (good or bad)]
>  [was: corporate reputation]

* Is it important for you to have (purchase) brand name hardware
* Is it important for you to have (purchase) brand name software
If we use the word 'purchase', we could change the category 'Pricing'
to 'Purchasing' and put these two questions there, or we could eliminate
the category 'Pricing' as Karsten suggests and put the hardware
questions with hardware and the software questions with software.
