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Mirror check script

Quoted message:

On Thu, Oct 01, 2009 at 07:11:38PM -0600, scream@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote 0.6K bytes in 33 lines about:
: > Also, could you look into why my mirrors' status is "Unknown"?
: I will look into the status issue, I'll have an answer for you. 

The script tries to get the timestamp from
"project/trace/www.torproject.org" on your mirror.  If it can't connect
or doesn't get the file, it'll default to "Unknown".

Andrew Lewman
The Tor Project
pgp 0x31B0974B

Those who are listed as status unknown, please do check to see if this
 is accessible.  We are currently in the market for a better mirror checking script, if anyone here knows of one,
please do contact me off list.  



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