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Re: [tor-relays] Out of memory: Kill process (tor)

2016-08-12 15:11 GMT+02:00 Tristan <supersluether@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Last night I received my first abuse complaint on DigitalOcean.


> When I logged in, I saw Tor was no longer running because the system ran out of
> memory.
> Is it possible the system ran out of memory because of the abuse?


> My relay has 512MB of RAM running Tor and Unbound, and it's been running fine all
> month. How can I prevent this memory issue from happening in the future?
I think they make no default swap partition so you buy a higher tier
droplet ... but you can make a swapfile in under 1 minute:


worked like a charm on my two droplets.

> Thanks

You  are welcome.

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