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Re: [tor-relays] HALP!

Roger Dingledine:
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 10:53:04PM +0200, Markus Koch wrote:
>>> Do the log files give you any hints?
>> I copied all the stuff, checked it and deleted the old vps. So I
>> only see the new logfiles and they are fine, tor finds everything
>> but with a different fingerprint. If the config would be in a
>> different dir on the old vps, how comes that there are config files
>> in both dirs?
> Well, a different fingerprint means a different identity key. Maybe 
> you didn't copy the identity key over correctly?

Just an idea: how about having a built-in feature in tor to
backup/restore? This feature could make an "archive" with correct
metadata. Thus relay operator won't bother to collect all
relevant files and correct permissions. Also it would make it much
easier to move a relay to absolutely different system (E.g. tor user was
`debian-tor` and it's `_tor` on the new one. Also different locations,
like Windows/Darwin/BSDs/Linux).

Asking for comments before creating a ticket since this idea can be
inherently wrong.

Ivan Markin
tor-relays mailing list