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Re: [tor-relays] Improving throughput on weak CPU?


> On 26 Aug 2019, at 19:06, Jochen <jochen@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi there, I'm the operator of the following two exit nodes:
> https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#search/family:94C268630BEDCB64E7F8881881A23D053F243C18
> My CPU is an Intel C2750 (8 cores total), which supports hardware accelerated AES yet a single process still maxes out at only ~150mbit/s.
> To get the most out of the machine and my single IPv4 address, I simply ran another relay which works fine, and now I'm averaging at around ~315mbit/s.
> Is there anything else I can tweak to improve throughput without having to order more IP addresses? I'm running Arch with stock 5.2.9 linux kernel.
> That being said, true multi threading would be much appreciated and would help people like me a lot :-)

Which code is your relay spending most of its (main thread) time on?
If you can send us a profile, we will know where to focus our effort.

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