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Re: [tor-relays] Someone broke the tor-relay speed record?

Seth schreef op 31/12/14 om 21:09:
On Wed, 31 Dec 2014 01:13:52 -0800, Justaguy <justaguy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Oh wait?
This is only advertised bandwith and not the actual bandwith.
maybe the actual bandwith will reach the advertised bandwith some day.
This relay is only running for 3 days so..

The advertised Tor bandwidth for the exit node that I control matches up
well with the bandwidth graph provided by the ISP, so I believe it is
fairly accurate.


Seems like it should be impossible however for a relay to jump to
149MB/s of advertised bandwidth in less than a week.

The advertised bandwidth number is determined by the OR itself, not the directory authorities. It takes a simple change to the code to report higher numbers. The same applies to the bandwidth graphs in globe, those too come from the relay itself.


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