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[tor-relays] Relays running an unsupported (EOL) Tor version


Relays running unsupported Tor versions is a problem we have never
really dealt with in a systematic way in the way. Some of you might
recall that we (with the help of volunteers) tried back in 2019/2020 to
get operators, running an unsupported Tor version, to upgrade[1] but
then we dropped the ball. Alas.

We just started that process again by contacting every relay operator
running an outdated Tor version (any version not 0.3.5.x or 0.4.5.x or
0.4.6.x or 0.4.7.x) by email where possible. Additionally, we created a
wiki page outlining the current process and things we still need to
figure out.[2] On that page we plan to make statistics related to the
EOL relay removal available as well, including the final list of relays
we'll reject. Thus, stay tuned. Feedback, as always, is very much welcome!

We plan to keep this topic on our radar this time while refining the
process as we go. Meanwhile, if you are running a relay with an
unsupported Tor version, please upgrade for the sake of our users' safety.

If you need help, join us on #tor-relays or #tor-relays:matrix.org if
you use Element.


[1] https://blog.torproject.org/removing-end-life-relays-network

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