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Re: [tor-relays] Overloaded state indicator on relay-search

Arlen Yaroslav via tor-relays:
>> Did you use a lot of ram or cpu power recently? I got flagged as overloaded when I was compiling something and used a lot of cpu.
> Nothing out of the ordinary. The server is a virtual machine which is dedicated to running a Tor relay. I don't use it for anything else.
> I've just checked the server descriptor. It seems to be missing the 'overload-general' flag which means it now isn't overloaded? Yet the relay search page says it is?

I am not sure where you are looking but if you take a look at what
Onionoo[1] is saying you get

overload_general_timestamp	1634180400000

which means 10/14/2021 03:00:00 UTC, thus today.


[1] https://onionoo.torproject.org/details?limit=4&search=VinculumGate

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