Terry Collins wrote:
Da Moose wrote:In my experience at the Vic office over the last years or so, the 4 biggest support issues are
> Yes your right we have looked at support and it's a difficult and costly
> area.
> Some days we spend most of the day on the phone answering suppoert calls.Unless this is a support line, then this is bad. I closed the office of
a national association becasue of this - staff spent all time answering
general problems instead of doing the work they were paid for - then
they wondered why they had no jobs.
It looks like the group you speak of should have done a little more homework before speaking, if you are going to recomend something as critical as an OS you had better also aid with some training in it's admin, and/or look at having the support in place for recomendations made.
On the day I mentioned a group that was encouraging organisations to
install Linux, but they had all become millstones around their neck
because it was ongoing (years of support) and this prevented them from
taking on new clients.
Just my $2 worth--
Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861
email: terryc@woa.com.au www: http://www.woa.com.au
Wombat Outdoor Adventures <Bicycles, Books, Computers, GIS>"People without trees are like fish without clean water"
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