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[Computerbank] Nomination Form

Hi All

I've just made a Nomination Form for everyone to use.
Electronic copies of the form are ok.

{\rtf1\ansi\uc0 \deff1
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{\info }\paperw11900\paperh16820\margl560\margr560\margt840\margb840\widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\formshade \fet0\sectd
\pard \qc
{\cf1{\fs32\b\f1 Nomination Form\b0}}
\pard \qc
{\cf1{\fs32\b\f1 Computerbank Australia Inc.\b0}}
\pard \qc
{\cf1{\fs32\b\f1 National Committee\b0}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs32\b\f1 I .........................................................................................................\b0}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs32\b\f1 accept nomination for the position of\b0}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs32\b\f1 ..........................................................................................................\b0}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs32\b\f1 on the CAI National Committee.\b0}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs32\b\f1 ...................................................... ....................................................\b0}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs22\f1 signature of Candidate                                                             Date  }}
\pard {\cf1{\fs32\f1 ............................................................... ............................................................}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs22\f1 signature of endorsing member                                               signature of endorsing member }}
\pard {\cf1{\fs32\f1 All candidates must be financial members of Computerbank Australia Inc.}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs32\f1 Rule 9.3 (g)\tab election of office bearers and Elected Committee Members.}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs32\f1 where:20.1\tab The officers of the Association shall be:}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs32\f1 (a)\tab a President;}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs32\f1 (b)\tab a Vice-President;}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs32\f1 (c)\tab a Secretary; and}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs32\f1 (d)\tab a Treasurer.}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs32\f1 20.2\tab The provisions of Rule 22, apply to and in relation to the election of persons to any of the offices mentioned in Rule 20.1.}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs32\f1  "Elected Committee Member" has the meaning given in Rule 21.1(c);}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs32\f1 Rule 21.1(c)\tab two Full Members of the Association, each of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association (the "Elected Committee Members"); }}
\pard {\cf1{\fs28\f2 To be to the Secretary 7 days prior to the AGM}}
\par }}