Hi all,
Given the venting on the computerbank list around policy and frameworks
for operation - please let this note be an official warning to all
volunteers, staff and elephants at CAI-Vic. :)
CAI-Vic has a set of policies that were ratified by the management team
that was in action during 1999,2000, 2001 and even as recent as 2002.
These policies cover such things as Health and Safety, Discrimination,
Sexual harrassment, Confidentiality and Greivances.
The best document that summarises our policy framework is our Charter.
The Charter is also in the Volunteers guide. The volunteers guide is
something that *all* of you should be familiar with. :)
As both a Progam Manager, a State Coordinator and a Health and Safety
officer of this organisation (the Vic branch) I am now asking *all*
volunteers, staff, work for the dole people, and others to comply with
A warning system will now be implemented and depending on the outcome of
the revision to the greivance procedure document - three warnings will
probably mean you have to leave. This is flat across the board.
I also remind volunteers to become familiar with what is a "reasonable"
expectation for volunteering at CAI-Vic.
There are policies around acceptability, sharing, rudeness, equality and
open communication. Please become familiar with them.
I also encourage all people to report policy neglect, OH&S neglect to
the right people. If you see something that you know is not right - you
have to act responsibly and let it be known.
All Staff and work for the dole people are aware of this and have been
informed. This note to the list is so that everyone is aware that this
organisation is on notice.
If you have any questions about this matter, please raise them on this
list or see me privately.
If you dont think you can comply with these asks (some of which are
*legal* obligations) then perhaps Computerbank is not the place for you.
Kylie Davies
Victorian Branch Co-ordinator
Computerbank Australia Inc
Victorian State Branch
Tel: (03) 9600 9161
Email: kylied@projectx.com.au
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cai-vic mailing list