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Re: Upcoming release

What's wrong with this mail? It always gets truncated. Try again...

On 17.08.2004 22:09, Torinthiel wrote:
On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 04:10:28PM +0000, Jens Granseuer wrote:
> So, here we go:
> 1) Export the map using the 0.4.3 version of CoMET

I understand it as 'do nothing', as the map is supposed to be in 0.4.3
You'll probably get it in 0.4.4 format for use with the prelease but as
a translator you shouldn't have anything to do with the conversion

2) - 5) could probably quite easily be done by an awk script, but I'm to
busy/lazy to write one.
Yeah, probably, but the number of maps available isn't large enough to
make this worthwhile, I guess. Even less so now that I've already
updated the distributed maps.

> 6) Save the modified file and run it through cfed 0.4.4:
>     cfed level.src --tiles /path/to/default.tiles --units
>     /path/to/default.units
>   If everything went right this will create level.lev in the same
>   directory as level.src. You can load this file back into the new
>   CoMET.
Why CoMET thinks the 'project' is .lev, while everything else
(CVS, cfed, this list) thinks it's .src?
lev is the binary format used by crimson itself, too. The main
advantage of a binary format is that it's easier to parse than the
src files. That way we can keep all the parsing logic out of crimson
(and comet). The big plus of the text format is being able to easily
adapt the maps when the binary format changes ;-)
(And as long as CoMET doesn't provide facilities for everything you
can do as a mapper it's the only way to access some "hidden" features.)

BTW2 - maybe I'm dumb. but I cannot change dirs in CoMET. Is it a bug or
a feature?
Um, well, I'd prefer to call it a feature. Seriously, though, the
current file selector is whacky at best.
