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Campaign Story Revised (August 27)


Ok, I removed the basic outline, I don't think we need it anymore, and we can 
always refer to previous posts that contain it.  I also left the "First map:" 
markers as they were when moving maps around the timeline so you can see what 
moved easily, with their physical order in this message being the new order 
I'm pushing.  ;)  And in brackets, following commandline argument 
conventions, are to be found optional stuff that I put there for the sake of 
pedantry.  We may also dispense with the Acts pretty soon, since the timeline 
seems to be taking shape nicely and we won't need them anymore.  ;)  (I never 
intended them to be in the game itself, just used as a tool to write the 
story, but if you want to insert them into the game, I can try to name them 
as chapters or something ;)  )

I also named the campaign.  ;)

------------- Operation: Uprising ---------------

Background story:
Being moved to the wiki

The campaign is *the* campaign for control of the province of Yalwa, a name 
which means "Desert" in Nexian.  The land itself is a desert in that it gets 
less than 10 inches a year of precipitation, but is actually fairly 
well-grown with grass and trees and stuff.  The main reason it's called 
"Desert" is because there isn't a lot of natural resources.  Farming is 
tricky because of the lack of rainfall, the lack of springs, and the lack of 
rivers.  While there are rivers, they are mostly minor (maybe some are 
major?), but none are enough to irrigate much of the area for farming.  The 
crystal mines are nearly nonexistant, although the famed Mines of Yalwa are 
to be found in the region.  As a region, it's not logistically interesting to 
Kand, except for the mines, but due to the nature of supplying their own 
forces in the area, Kand has historically kept a significant force only 
around the mines, leaving short-handed garrisons in a few other cities in the 
area.  For the FNA, however, the region represents an excellent starting base 
with plenty of crystals to fuel a start-up rebellion.  Food, however, will 
mostly have to come from elsewhere (second campaign: conquering 
farmland?  ;)  ).

Shitty map (use a fixed width font, yadayadayada, I haven't looked at the map 
layouts, so this is *not* intended to be definitive; we'll need a real artist 
for that, but this map should give the general idea):

      /                                            \
     /                        * Mines               \
     |    M                     0  Ultha             |
      \    o                                         |
       |    u  Renus       Sarot Plains              |
       /    n /                                      /
      /    t /       * Kand HQ                      /
     /    a *            x Enolian Air Fields      /
    /     i                                       /
   /       n * Support Base      0 Lula          /
  |         s  * Area 51                        /
   \                                           /
    \               *       0 Rhintura        /

-------------Act One------------

Uprising - Introduction of the campaign, FNA gets their first win and a 
physical command.  Before this, they existed in secret.  They don't even have 
uniforms.  The outpost is fairly isolated and there's a lot of area to cross 
that's just plain empty, making supply lines run thin.  But there's this 
"fertile corridor" that they can march up, but it's also the most heavily 
defended part of the region.  The "fertile corridor" is a well-watered route 
from Rhintura to Ultha, through Lula.  Kand placed their HQ on that route on 
the ruins of Neeno, a city they destroyed as an "example" of what happens 
when you don't mine like you're supposed to.  (or something, that's a little 
mroe brutal than the goal of "No definitive bad guy in this game")

Second map: Controlling key areas to the northwest of Rhintura, the only 
farming district in the area, and also a barracks dump, the same barracks 
that provided the troops for the battle of Rhintura depicted in the Uprising.
***** Can this map just be combined with Uprising?  Should it?  *********

Third map: The battle for Lula.  The map starts with FNA feeling cocky, and 
then partway FNA should get a message that says "Take Lula quickly, Kand's 
got reinforcements!"  After FNA takes Lula, the map's over, of course, but 
then Kand moves in troops and establishes the front at Lula.

Third map: To convert one of Kand's supply routes into a supply channel for 
FNA, FNA has sent some troops to the mountains to advance on Renus, moving 
through an area that looks a lot like SW Wyoming (nobody lives there except a 
few small towns supporting a shipping industry).  At the foothills of the 
mountains, they discover Area 51, or Kand's equivalent of it.  Both sides 
being surprised, FNA moves to take it.  That's what this map is about.  It's 
here that they first hear of a biological weapon that was engineered by 
Nexian scientists and captured by Kand that targets Kand folks.  Some barrels 
of this stuff are unaccounted for, although a newly liberated Nexian 
scientist claims to know where it is.  This scientist makes a deposition 
where he says he's part of the Liberation Front of North Kerlo, and through 
him FNA and LFNK hook up.    [New unit acquired]

---------------Act Two-------------------

First map: FNA move troops from the newly captured barracks and tries to loop 
around Lula to the west, with the goal of approaching Lula from the Northwest 
in a coordinated two-prong attack.  They get ambushed, surrounded, and must 
fight to the last man, ala Anthill (in fact, Anthill could be adapted for 
this map).  So they win the map, but don't have anybody left with which to 
run their flanking maneuver.

Second map: Kand launches a flanking attack to the east of Lula.  FNA diverts 
a small portion of their troops to defend their flank.  Yadayada, FNA must 
win, but not with enough troops to press further.

Third map:  FNA sends a contingent back from Area 51 to Rhintura that gets 
ambushed by unidentified participants.  They must survive the attack, of 
course, but there is much mystery surrounding the unidentified attackers.  
Who are they?  To whom is their allegiance?  (LFNK, of course, working for 

First map: FNA moves North on the foothills of the mountains, continuing to 
the city at the foothills of the mountains, Renus, which is a major shipping 
stopover point.  This map is them taking the support base for Area 51 (we 
really need to name that place).  There they learn about the General.

-----------------------Act Three------------

First map:  The Battle for Renus.

Second map:  FNA makes a sortie to the newly exposed flank on the east of 
Lula, gets ambushed.  Ouch.  Another one of them Anthill-like maps.

Third map:  The General, using the forces that moved up from the mountains.  
These forces quickly entrench themselves.  Intel from the General's staff 
(using techniques not quite Geneva sanctioned) corroborates the story of 
biological weapons that only kill Kandelians, and troops are despatched 
following the guide.  The intelligence is in the form of inventory sheets that 
show missing barrels and signed orders from the general to find them, but FNA 
moving in prevented the General from issuing the orders.

First map:  The Battle for the Enolian Air Fields.  Just a fight for empty 
depots that happen to have airships in them.  The air fields are discovered 
after rifling through the General's files, where orders are found to bury the 
air fields, due to the outdated nature of the technology and the fact that 
the area won't be well-reinforced.

---------------------Act Four-----------

Second map:  No Name, but this map should be about taking a strategic location 
and some of Kand's bunkers that are south of the air fields and securing fuel 
supplies and so forth for the air units, and keeping Kand from advancing upon 
the air field while the units at the air field are being outfitted for 
action.  So if this map isn't taken, Kand retakes the air fields and shuts 
down FNA, strategically making this map all about strengthening their new 
position, but not significantly advancing.

Third map:  Not sure.  ;)  Should be the flanking maneuver that reunites their 
forces.  (Omyar Gorge?)  ***** Actually, I'm wanting to remove this, since the 
flanking move happens in two parts as parts of two other maps *****

Fourth map:  The battle for the barrels of Kand-killer.  The troops are 
betrayed by the LFNK contingent that accompanies them.  Another Anthill-like 
scenario.  Due to the betrayal, at the end of this map it is unknown where the 
barrels are, or even in what direction they may be found, but it is suspected 
that they are somewhere in the province of Yalwa, since the General was 
responsible for dealing with their disappearance.  We will, of course, 
introduce the barrels of Kand-killer into a later part of the story, but this 
is it for this campaign.  But I do intend for them to be real, and deployed 
against Kand.  ;)

First map: The Second Battle for Lula.  This battle should have FNA air units 
on the north end of the map making pincer movements with the ground units on 
the south side of the map.  After Lula is finally taken, FNA will control the 
entire southern portion of the province of Yalwa, so this is the single 
biggest turning point, although the General was a turning point (and the 
first climax required in a 5-act play).  I envision this map being provoked 
by Kand, and the FNA should just try to hold their positions until the air 
units arrive, so the air units would logically be placed far from the map (or 
appear as reinforcements on the 10th turn or something like that).  So it's 
Kand's forces making a last-ditch effort to take Lula, knowing that if they 
don't they'll get caught in a nasty pincer, but if they win they might be 
able to throw off the air strike and then advance on Rhintura and crush the 

----------------Act Five-----------

Second map:  The Battle for Sarot Plains, on the march to Ultha, where Kand 
managed to coerce LFNK into trying to hold off FNA.  So this is FNA's 
confrontation with LFNK over the betrayal, and should finish that subplot.

Third map:  The Battle for the highlands leading into Ultha.

Fourth map: The Battle for Ultha itself.

Fifth map:  (maybe?)  The battle for the mines.  Either the Empire makes their 
last stand here or this is just a simple map.  Maybe the battle for Ultha can 
incorporate the battle for the mines, or we can just assume that when Ultha 
falls, the mines go with it.  In any case, there's a chance to add a battle 
for the mines.

Comments and thoughts and stuff?


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Power is danger.
		-- The Centurion, "Balance of Terror", stardate 1709.2