1. Demolition of bridges/buildings/mines or sabotage.
2. Timed diminishing of a mine's output.
3. Timed increase of a factory's research.
4. Changing tides.
[mission] name = 0 mapwidth = 20 mapheight = 20 info = 0 skirmish = 1 campaign = 0 campaignname = -1 campaigninfo = -1 players = 1 tileset = default unitset = default [map-raw] 362,361,361,361,361,361,361,30,77,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,38,38,38 361,361,361,360,360,360,76,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,38,38 361,361,361,360,360,360,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,54,38,38 361,360,360,360,360,360,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,38,38,38 360,360,360,363,360,360,30,30,30,30,30,30,38,30,30,38,38,38,38,38 360,360,360,360,360,360,30,30,30,30,30,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38 360,360,77,77,77,30,30,30,30,30,30,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38 360,360,360,30,360,314,30,30,30,30,30,38,38,38,38,38,66,38,38,38 360,360,360,360,30,309,30,30,30,30,30,38,38,38,38,66,66,65,66,65 30,30,360,313,30,318,30,30,30,30,38,38,38,38,66,65,66,38,38,66 77,78,78,30,316,31,325,310,30,30,38,38,38,38,38,65,66,65,38,38 78,30,30,30,30,30,313,310,310,360,30,30,38,38,38,65,65,66,38,38 79,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,340,30,360,208,30,30,38,38,66,38,38,38 80,79,77,38,30,30,30,30,38,38,30,30,360,310,38,38,65,38,38,38 79,79,80,79,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,30,55,38,310,310,38,38,38,311 124,118,80,81,77,75,38,38,38,38,38,30,30,38,38,38,310,316,311,38 123,122,124,81,81,31,38,38,38,38,30,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38,38 125,119,126,33,31,81,79,77,38,38,38,38,38,38,30,38,38,38,38,38 126,18,33,120,118,118,81,77,38,38,38,38,38,30,30,30,30,38,38,38 126,126,124,125,122,122,124,65,65,65,65,38,38,38,30,30,30,30,30,30 [player] name = 2 briefing = 1 fcolor = 254,166,4 bcolor = 86,54,12 [player] name = 3 briefing = 3 fcolor = 0,170,255 bcolor = 2,38,92 [unit] type = Heavy Tanks player = 2 id = 8 pos = 10/2 [unit] type = Heavy Tanks player = 2 id = 9 pos = 11/2 [unit] type = Scouts player = 2 id = 7 pos = 10/15 size = 3 xp = 3 face = 4 [unit] type = Scouts player = 2 id = 6 pos = 6/16 size = 3 xp = 2 face = 4 [unit] type = Medium Tanks player = 2 id = 10 pos = 11/1 [unit] type = Medium Tanks player = 2 id = 11 pos = 12/2 [unit] type = Infantry player = 2 id = 5 pos = 12/1 [unit] type = Infantry player = 2 id = 12 pos = 10/1 [unit] type = Scouts player = 2 id = 13 pos = 11/0 [unit] type = Scouts player = 2 id = 14 pos = 9/1 [unit] type = Scouts player = 2 id = 15 pos = 13/1 [unit] type = Troopships player = 2 id = 16 pos = 6/0 face = 2 [unit] type = Infantry player = 1 id = 0 pos = 1/18 xp = 3 [unit] type = Medium Tanks player = 1 id = 1 pos = 1/18 size = 2 xp = 4 [unit] type = Scouts player = 1 id = 2 pos = 1/18 size = 5 xp = 2 [unit] type = Scouts player = 1 id = 3 pos = 1/18 [unit] type = Medium Tanks player = 1 id = 4 pos = 1/18 [unit] type = Infantry player = 2 id = 17 pos = 6/0 [unit] type = Infantry player = 2 id = 18 pos = 6/0 [unit] type = Medium Tanks player = 2 id = 19 pos = 6/0 [unit] type = Medium Tanks player = 2 id = 20 pos = 6/0 [building] name = 4 player = 1 id = 0 pos = 1/18 type = workshop crystals = 25 capacity = 1000 minweight = 0 maxweight = 99 [event] id = 0 type = configure player = 1 title = 5 message = 1 trigger = timer ttime = 0 setting = briefing1 value = 1 [event] id = 1 type = sethex player = 1 discard = 1 title = 6 message = 7 trigger = unitposition tunit = 0 towner = 1 tpos = 10/13 tile = 211 pos = 11/12 [event] id = 2 type = score player = 1 depend = 1 trigger = timer ttime = 0 success = 100 othermsg = -1 othertitle = -1 [messages(en)] Demolition Example % The enemy scouts have located your hidden base. Reinforcements have just brought in by ship nearby and are heading your way. They must not be allowed to capture or detroy the base. Luckily, the general had the only bridge over the river rigged. Get your infantry to the bridge and blow it up to stop the attack. Move your infantry to the demolition point SE of the bridge to blow it. % Good Guys % Bad Guys % Good Guys Hidden Base % Good Guys Briefing % Bridge Destroyed! % Well done! The bridge has been destroyed and the attack has been thwarted for now. [/messages]
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