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Repairing lowers the unit's rank by one for each two new recruits

Does it? I have looked at the source recently and it seems to do. But check the attached savegame files (all of them are from the second tutorial map, you should be able to load it) xp, xp2, xp3.

If the yellow player repairs one of the units, its rank won't decrease as it should.

xp: 3 recruits, no rank decrease
xp2: 5 recruits, no rank decrease (!)
xp3: 5 recruits, 1 rank decrease

In the attached map Repair the rank decreasing works only partially: no decrease when recruiting one rookie (this is correct), 1 rank when recruiting 2-5 rookies (this isn't that correct).

What's the problem?


Attachment: ranking.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data