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Re: A patch

Of course I don't literally mean that someone will track every and
single change (: Only I doubt that someone insane enough should get an
advantage (let infinitely small). When I played my first level, it
seemed to me that the game is unbeatable - just because I couldn't
figure anything about the underlying machinery (to make matters worse
it was an old version without the tutorial for PocketPC). And that's
the difference in user-friendliness with BfW: in the latter you also
have difficulties when you begin to play, but you are given all the
stats and all the odds (and I can't think of anything that is hidden.
For every unit you see you can have all his resistances, movement
costs and defences in different terrain and so on and so forth. And
you are gicen the probabilities of every possible battle outcome,
which somehow compenstates the randomness). Here you must play some
ten or twenty games just to intuitively (basing on your experience as
a player) estimate your odds and learn (approximately) stats of units
which stats may be closed to you on one level and open on another.

That's not a good reason at all. What keeps someone who would like to
cheat from looking at the source?

Someone who has played a hundred games and learnt stats of all the units by heart is a cheater? He would know the stats of the units he shouldn't, as he doesn't own them in a particular level.