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Attempting to compile Crimson .5

After all the activity on the pre 0.5 release I decided that I would update from CVS.  I am having issues getting the make script to find my SDL_net library (Mac puts things in different spots, I am sure I will get it sorted), but my real concern is that I get an error when I run Crimson.  The error is: Error: Language catalog for 'en' contains 109 strings, expected 111.  I yanked the latest CVS into a clean directory and still no joy.  First question did I cath someone int he middle of a check in (2006/11/20 about 10pm Central Time)?  Also should there be 111 or 109 strings?  That might help me track down what is wrong with my setup.

Thanks, looking forward to trying out the network stuff on my Mac.

Tanks for your Support
Pat O'Hara
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