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Re: [Fwd: Re: [f-cpu] RC5, F-CPU and srotl]
cedric wrote:
> > I've already implemented some Forth for x86 and I tell you, it's going to be
> > a real pleasure to implement a Forth on the F-Cpu.
> > With so many registers, you can have stack pointers, A register, TOS ans SOS
> > mapped to registers without brainstorms like in x86. No, it will be really
> > nice to write a Forth for F0.
Forth is also nice on a 6809 or a 68000 too :-)
but there is no push or pop, at least the way Forth intends it
(it's only post-incremented loads and store, while a "normal" push is
updated after and a pop is updated before, or the contrary). You'll have
to fiddle a bit. But if FC0 is probably suitable for a not-so-difficult
Forth engine, it is probably much better at doing "multistack" programs
(look at Chuck Moore's F21 or Bernd Paysan's "multistack")
> > BTW, is there any way to compile & execute code for the F0 ? I might be
> > interrested in doing some assembler coding, why not a Forth interpreter, but
> > it's gonna to be hard if I must do hand-testing for the code :-)
> Hum, it's where we have a problem, we have a small not all function virtual
> machin with a GTK interface. I think that YG is coding an ASM an michael too
> (I am not sure). And when I will have the necessary time, I will code one.
is there a contest ? :-)
it seems that everyone makes his own version, thus addressing different needs, no ?
> And we will need a good virtual machine that can emulate all the F-CPU asm, it
> must be able to simulate the latency and give us some statistic about the CPU.
i'll use ncsim for that purpose.
I better trust super-optimised VHDL simulators (which genererate target-machine code)
rather than a poorly designed C code (even if there is a "price" difference).
At least we won't have to deal with 2 code trees that do the same things.
> A+
> Cedric
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