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Re: [f-cpu] Winograd DCT on my seul.org account
cedric wrote:
> > > > Our goal is to improve computer science isn't it ? :-)
> > >
> > > That's definitely not my goal.
> >
> > I think the GOAL of the F-CPU is good assembler code. If a person can
> > code great for it then a high level compiler can do wonders.
> I agree with you, it's really easy to program in F-CPU assembler, more that I
> never see. We only need a good asm to warn us when we not good scheduled our
> instructions and we will have a good tool for optimisation.
As i have already written, asm is good for small parts of code or as an exercise,
to see what the compiler could do.
However it is not the goal of the assembler to tell you if you coded correctly or
not. Or at least, you shoud be able to shut this option off.
Furthermore, this option will not be useful when you need to write 1000 instructions.
a trained brain can't even handle so many informations and your tool will not
be useful, because it is bound to the textual representation of the program.
In fewer words, what you do is "cool" but won't get you really far.
> A+
> Cedric
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