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Re: Rep:Re: [f-cpu] The last killing argument FOR the GPL licence
Michael Riepe a écrit :
> On Sat, Apr 27, 2002 at 03:57:14PM +0200, nico wrote:
> > Some point to discuss ! Great !
> [...]
> > > - use parts of the source code in their own projects if they
> > > release the source code under the same license and include a
> > > notice that they are using parts of the F-CPU
> >
> > Biip ! That's not permit by the GPL. The GPL FAQ explain that's not
> > possible for a pratical point of view. You must maintain a list of
> > contribution and will become very heavy to manage. That's why there is a
> > new BDB licence without the obligation of the copyright.
> Since we're not talking about the GPL but about the (hypothetical)
> "F-CPU Public License", that shouldn't matter. On the other hand, I
> don't mind if we drop this point and force people to include either
> the full package or nothing.
> What does BDB mean?
A too quick way to type "BSD". ;p
> > >
> > > - substitute parts (e.g. gates, flipflops, maybe also memory)
> > > with cells from proprietary cell libraries if it is necessary
> > > in order to produce silicon (they shall, however, fully document
> > > such changes)
> > >
> >
> > That's the very interresting point. Allowed user to rewrite part of the
> > design wihtout distribute the change only to use technological cell's
> > librairy (memroy,...). We must take car that the definition must be
> > clear because it's very easy to create a design, make it a black box and
> > say it come from a "proprietary cell libraries".
> >
> > I don't speak about gate-level which is like the compilition of the
> > work.
> We can add the restriction that users must provide (under the terms of
> our License) functionally equivalent VHDL source code for all substituted
> parts that contain more than single logic gates or "storage elements"
> (that is, latches, flipflops and RAM cells).
That's a good idea !
> > > - produce silicon and distribute it, as long as they also
> > > deliver the source code for everything but the above mentioned
> > > proprietary cell libraries (the source code for the substituted
> > > components must still be included)
> > >
> >
> > Maybe the fact to sell producte ( a system from the GPL point of view)
> > give the obligation to distribute the code as well.
> Again, we're not talking about GPL any longer. (Otherwise, we had
> nothing to talk about, because the GPL is fixed and we're not allowed
> to change it.)
Yes, you could. As for the first post, you could had "exception". The
only thing is to verify that it didn't break something inside the
> --
> Michael "Tired" Riepe <Michael.Riepe@stud.uni-hannover.de>
> "All I wanna do is have a little fun before I die"
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