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[f-cpu] Virus Detected by Network Associates, Inc. Webshield SMTP V4.5 MR1a
- To: <f-cpu@seul.org>
- Subject: [f-cpu] Virus Detected by Network Associates, Inc. Webshield SMTP V4.5 MR1a
- From: postmaster@apotex.com
- Date: Tue Aug 19 21:15:16 2003
- Delivered-to: archiver@seul.org
- Delivered-to: f-cpu-outgoing@seul.org
- Delivered-to: f-cpu@seul.org
- Delivery-date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 21:15:27 -0400
- Reply-to: f-cpu@seul.org
- Sender: owner-f-cpu@seul.org
Detected virus W32/Sobig.f@MM in attachment details.pif from <f-cpu@seul.org> and it
was Cleaned and Quarantined.
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